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Pricing is custom based on the size, shape, and style of the bouquets and arrangements. Request a quote for exact pricing.

Bridal Bouquet


Bridal Bouquets range from 10 inches-14 inches, and come in round, hand tied, or cascade.

Bridesmaid Bouquets


Bridesmaid bouquets range from 6 inches- 12 inches and come in round or hand tied.



Made to match the color of your bouquets. Your choice of elastic or metal bracelet for the corsages.

Pricing: Price List


$10-$20 per table

Centerpiece pricing is completely custom based on your vision!

Home decor arrangements


Looking for floral decor that will never die? Inquire about custom home arrangements and gifts!

Arch Pieces


Small or large floral pieces to put on your wedding arch, customized to match the color and style of the wedding bouquets.

Pricing: Price List
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Get a Quote

Please include the size, shape, and style, as well as the number of bouquets needed.

Thanks for submitting! We’ll send you a price quote soon.

Pricing: Price Quote
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